Unternehmen Moewe
Image: Agent “Vera” and her two male companions training a landing September 1940 outside of the Norwegian coast using a Heinkel He 115 and a rubber dinghy. Picture allegedly taken by one of the instructors. It is not directly related…
He-115 information
Image: HE 115 from the Finish Airforce. From Viimeinen partio Kannaksella, written by Esa Anttala. See also wikipedia’s entry on the HE 115 He 115 seaplane was a robust, multi-purpose seaplane. It was a two motor, three-seated middle winged metal…
He 115 crashes in Scotland during WW2
Below is a list of Heinkel He 115 crashes in Scotland during WW2. It was kindly contributed by and is Copyright Keith Bryers. 10 June 1940 (?) Norwegian Naval Officer Lt Dan Ravn stole a German He 115 and attempted…